I am Patience Yakubu, a single mother and a tailor who was struggling to make ends meet. Life was already tough, but...
Soybean Gift Enables Mercy Lotben to Overcome Debt and Thrive
I am Mrs. Mercy Lotben, a widow who was drowning in debt and struggling to make ends meet. My life was a constant...
Charcoal Business Helps Widow Laraba Sunday Support Her Family
My name is Mrs. Laraba Sunday, and I am a widow who has been struggling to make ends meet since the passing of my...
Tomato and Pepper Business Revitalizes Mrs. Rita Botsha’s Life
I want to start by expressing my deepest gratitude to God and the foundation for their kindness and support. When I...
Grinding Engine Helps Charity Ejeakwolu Fund Child’s Education
I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as I share my heartfelt testimony with you. I want to express my deepest...
Poultry Prosperity: Mrs. Precious Iyebu’s Enterprise Expansion
Mrs. Precious Iyebu is one of the beneficiaries of Ladi Maji Foundation’s Widows Empowerment Scheme. She resides in...
Sewing Hope: Mrs. Kyauta Solomon’s New Beginning
Mrs. Kyauta Solomon is another beneficiary of the foundation. She resides in Mobile Barracks, Television, Kaduna. In...
Sustaining a Family: Mrs. Regina Philip’s Resilience
Mrs. Regina Philip lives in Kamazou and became a beneficiary of the foundation in 2019 when she received a grinding...