In a heartwarming gesture, Ladi Maji Foundation embarked on a visit to St. Gerard’s Catholic Hospital. The primary...
Ladi Maji Foundation’s Medical Intervention (Yelwa Community, Kaduna) | 20th May, 2023
In commemoration of "The World Hypertension Day," Ladi Maji Foundation conducted a highly successful medical...
A Visit To Adonai Orphanage | 16th May, 2023
Embarking on a meaningful journey, Ladi Maji Foundation recently paid a visit to Adonai Orphanage. This visit was...
Ladi Maji Foundation Easter Intervention (Ungwan Boro Community, Kaduna) | 8th April, 2023
In a heartwarming Easter intervention, Ladi Maji Foundation extended its support to the Ungwan Boro community in...
Ladi Maji Foundation Provides Relief Materials and Sponsorship to Right Light Gospel Orphanage | 13th August, 2022
In a remarkable display of compassion, Ladi Maji Foundation through her Annual intervention program took the...
Ladi Maji Foundation Sponsors Education and Provides Relief for over 300 IDPs | 13th August, 2022
In a heartfelt effort to provide support and alleviate the hardships faced by internally displaced persons (IDPs),...
Ladi Maji Foundation Empowers 300 Kaduna Widows | 1st December 2020
Ladi Maji Foundation has empowered no fewer than 300 widows in Kaduna State with residual income items and cash to...
Skill Acquisition Training and Empowerment for Widows | 17th July, 2020
Ladi Maji Foundation just concluded its initiative aimed at empowering widows and female heads of households through...